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Isabelle Thompson's Twinkie: The Tinest Dog in the World (2009) is a read-along children's photo-book.

It's the true story of a very tiny chihuahua found as an abandoned pup in downtown Los Angeles.

The poor girl was on the edge of death. She needed emergency veterinarian care for pneumonia and a broken leg.

She gets saved, of course, or this wouldn't be a very nice children's book; and she has a lovely life thereafter, not withstanding the exaggeration that she's the tiniest dog in the world.

A humble wee video of Twinkie in person
(in which she frankly seems still a little skittish in life):

Twinkie's Facepage, with plenty more pictures

Twinkie's Website

Twinkie's Tote Bags, Coffee Cups, etc.

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