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Kellan and Kevin

Kellan Lutz, one of the buff stars of the Twilight Saga vampire films, with his dogs Kola and Kevin, at an off-leash park, photographed in Frebruary 2010. The latter dog, Kevin, is the chihuahua, whom Kellan found wandering the neighborhood as a neglected stray.

Kellan's first observation of the stray was rather odd. "I donžt know why, but he just lay on the street and acted dead and all these cars drove around him." He had gone a little feral and it took some while for Kellan to bait the skittish fellow onto his property and into arm's reach. He did it with a piece of turkey meat. A second chihuahua unfortunately wasn't falling for it, and got away.

Kevin was taken to the vet and luckily survived a very deadly bout of parvo virus (for which Kola fortunately was already vaccinated). A dog lover to the core, Kellan happily kept the chihuahua.

Kellan and Kevin

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