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Ethel Ch'Waters singing her hit Chihuahua Blues:

"Duke it out with a big cat
Duke it out with a kitty
Duke it out with a big, big cat
Take that. Take that. Take that.

"Duke it out with a beetle in the lawn.
Duke it out with a beetle.
Duke it out with a beetle in the lawn,
You're gone, you're gone, you're gone.

"Duke it out with the superball
You ain't so super after all
Duke it out with the superball,
Y'all, y'all, y'all."

The photo I said was "Ethel Chi'Waters" is actually Periwinkle,
shown blow with a bit of her first-year birthday cake on her face.
The photographer is Roopyfoo (i.e., Oregon photographer Travis Johnson).
More photos of cute wee Periwinkle

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