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Of the many wee dogs Paris Hilton would accumulate along the decade, none ever became as famous as Tinkerbell. But a far distant second-place for fame might be Bambi, shown above-left when still a pup, and above-right on a Halloween night out. The next two photos are from the same 2008 Halloween bash.

The left-side bottom photo is Paris clinging to four of her chihuahuas. Tinkerbell is first in line. The second looks like Harjuku. The third I think is Prince Baby Bear. The fourth is probably Bambi but could be Dolce who looks similar but is younger.

The right-hand bottom photo of the pair has Paris clinging to Prince Baby Bear, a heart-stoppingly gorgeous longhair who is one of her most clever dogs but not the best behaved and not the most often taken into public.

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