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Above) Jayne Mansfield at home (above) in Beverly Hills with bodybuilder husband Mickey Hargitay and one of her chihuahuas. The mansion was built for Rudy Vallee who evidently had girly tastes that totally won Jayne over, with such niceties as a heart-shaped swimming pool, and ornate interior suited to the seraglio.

The one change Jayne required was painting the mansion pink. She evidently didn't like bears as much as chihuahuas since she was willing to relax on one that got skinned!

Below) If you're not already impressed with Jayne as more than the bimbo she projected, note that in addition to a high IQ and multiple language skills, she also played violin quite well. Lord Byron her Great Dane and Philip her chihuahua get serenaded in 1958, in a photo by Ralph Crane for Life Magazine.

Jayne Mansfield

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